5 reasons why you shouldn't sleep in your makeup – ScorpioSun Skincare
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5 reasons why you shouldn't sleep in your makeup

Ok we get it! You've just stumbled home after one too many Spicy Marg's after the boss insisted on shouting the entire office a round (or 4) and now comes to arduous task of removing an entire day (and nights) makeup before downing a entire packet of tim tams. Surely one night without a fresh, clean face can't do THAT much harm right? Hmm sorry sis, wrong.

Sleeping in your makeup can have a number of negative effects on your skin. Here are five reasons why you should avoid doing so:

Clogged Pores

One of the main reasons is that makeup can clog your pores. When you sleep in your makeup, the cosmetics can seep into your pores and cause them to become blocked. This can lead to the development of blackheads, whiteheads, and other types of acne. In addition, clogged pores can make your skin look dull and lifeless.

Irritation and Redness

Another reason to avoid sleeping in your makeup is that it can cause irritation and redness. Many makeup products contain ingredients that can be irritating to the skin, especially when left on for an extended period of time. This can cause your skin to become red, swollen, and inflamed.


Additionally, sleeping in your makeup can cause your skin to age prematurely. When you sleep, your body naturally repairs and rejuvenates itself. However, if you have a layer of makeup on your skin, it can prevent this process from happening effectively. As a result, your skin may start to show signs of aging, such as fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots, at an earlier age than it otherwise would.

Bacteria (in other words, acne)

Furthermore, sleeping in your makeup can lead to the growth of bacteria on your skin. Bacteria thrive in warm, damp environments, and your pillowcase provides the perfect breeding ground for them. When you sleep in your makeup, the bacteria on your skin can multiply, leading to breakouts and other skin problems.

Eye Health

Finally, sleeping in your makeup can be damaging to your eye health. Many makeup products, particularly eye makeup, contain ingredients that can be harmful to your eyes if left on for too long. For example, mascara can dry out your lashes, causing them to become brittle and break off. In addition, eye makeup can lead to eye infections, which can be painful and difficult to treat.

To wrap up, sleeping in your makeup can have a number of negative effects on your skin, including clogged pores, irritation, premature aging, bacterial growth, and damage to your eye health. For these reasons, it is best to remove your makeup before going to bed each night, and what better way to do it than with our Fresh as a Daisy Micellar Water to gently and effectively remove your make-up!



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